In the shoes of a Congolese refugee / Workshop at Leiden University

On 14 March 2022, TRAFIG partner organisation Leiden University will organise a workshop (in person) about findings from the TRAFIG research on displacement in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which was conducted together with DIGNITY Kwanza and KUTAFITI as local partners. Next to the presentation and discussion of findings, the workshop will be used to present and play the game "the DIGNITY Kwanza method", which was developed in the context of TRAFIG and is based on the stories of Congolese urban refugees living in Dar es Salaam.

Find out more about the workshop and the game here.


When? Monday, 14 March, 14-16.00h, followed by drinks

Where? Leiden Law School, Steenschuur 25, room B0.31

By whom? Jochem Scheelings (former MA African Studies), Sapin Makengele (Congolese artist), Dr. Catherina Wilson, Institute for History, and Dr. Carolien Jacobs, Leiden Law School

For whom? Students and colleagues who are interested in refugee studies and stories

How? We have limited seats available. You can register by sending an e-mail (with the heading TRAFIG event) to First comes, first serves!

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