Screening of the TRAFIG documentary in Rome

On 22 April, an important dissemination and restitution event was held in Rome, one of the key sites for TRAFIG's Italian fieldwork see TRAFIG working paper 9.

Under the title, "Il mio posto è qui? Vivere da rifugiati in Italia" (Is my place here? Living in Italy as refugees), the homonymous documentary, which was produced by the film director Andrea Fantino and the FIERI team during empirical field work in 2021 was screened for one of the first times. The world première of the documentary was in Torino in November 2021 at the Film Festival "Crocevia du Sguardi".

The venue chosen for the film screening was very meaningful: Spin Time Labs is a large squat in the centre of Rome where hundreds of persons, including several migrants and refugees live with their families. Two of the women featuring in the film - one of which is also living at Spin Time Labs with her daughter - attended the screening and the following debate. The event was lively and well attended (around 65 participants in presence, including many neighbourhood residents, who don't enter the squat often, if ever), also thanks to its insertion in the programme of an ongoing grassroots neighbourhood festival called "Liberazioni - La festa dell'Esquilino".

The discussion was intense and at moments even poignant, with children seeing their mothers on screen for the first time and being proud about them, their endurance and strength through incredible hardship.

More information on the documentary "Il mio posto è qui?" (Italy, 2021, 87min) and a short version (8min) are accessible here.


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