#14: Labour market integration of people fleeing war in Ukraine: Expectations, challenges and opportunities
29 March 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 CET
Over 3.6 million people have fled Ukraine since 24 February, with most heading to neighbouring European Union countries, and many more will be displaced as the conflict continues. The EU’s Temporary Protection Directive was unanimously activated, granting beneficiaries immediate access to education, housing and healthcare services as well as the right to work. National administrations now face an enormous challenge to make such access a reality. With employment a key dimension of integration, this webinar will examine the prospects for labour market integration, including expectations, challenges and opportunities. Many arrivals are joining families and friends – combined with sizable Ukrainian diasporas in EU countries, this means that networks are poised to play an important role in supporting labour market integration. Employers remain optimistic about the absorption capacities of national labour markets, while private sector initiatives have mushroomed and labour shortages may bring opportuntities for quick access to employment for some. However, it is likely that many will face challenges in entering the labour market.
This webinar is organised in the context of two EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects, TRAFIG and SPRING. The Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG) project investigates long-lasting displacement situations in Africa, Asia and Europe and analyses options to improve displaced people´s lives, with a focus on the roles of networks and mobility. The Sustainable Practices of Integration (SPRING) project gathers available research and evidence on integration in the context of the large-scale movements of refugees and other migrants to Europe since 2014.
- Michał Adamski, Labour Market Department, Polish Ministry of Family and Social Policy
- Jone Kalendiene, Enterprise Lithuania
- Marlene Thiele, Das Netzwerk, Germany
- Anita Erhard and Marlies Gatterbauer, Public Employment Service Vienna/Austria
- Dennis Van Gessel, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Employment
- Lambert Kleinmann; European Commission, DG Employment
Moderation: ICMPD
Registration: You can register for the webinar series here. You will receive a confirmation email upon registration.
Recording: All webinars will be livestreamed via YouTube. Follow the TRAFIG YouTube channel for all past recordings and upcoming livestreams of Zooming in on Migration and Asylum.